Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Book Swap Day!

Students brought home a green note explaining how our book swap day will work. They may begin bringing their books this Friday. If they are not sure if their book choice will work well for 4th grades, I will be happy to look at it and let them know.  

At our "Book Swap Day" we will be kicking off our summer reading challenge. A note will be sent home on the 21st explaining the challenge!

Ten Marks Summer Math

Ten Marks is an online math program that we have been using in 4th grade. They are offering a free summer math programs to help students maintain their math knowledge. A blue note was sent home explaining how to get started.  Call or e-mail me if you have any questions: 542-4510 or

Happenings for the Week of April 27-May1st

Check out the following link to see our schedule: 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

"Monday Literature and Lunch Club" Meets

"The Monday Literature and Lunch Club" met today to discuss the next portion of our book. We wondered if Winnie will drink from the spring. We also wondered if we would drink from the spring! We will meet next Monday to discuss the next portion of our book.

The Third Meeting of "The Wednesday Literature and Lunch Club"

The "Wednesday Literature and Lunch Club" met for the third time. We discussed how Shiloh got attacked by another dog and Marty's Dad said he would have to return Shiloh if he heals. We will meet again next week on Friday to discuss the next portion of our book.

Schedule and Events for the Week of April 7-10

Click on the following link to see our schedule, homework, and any special events for the week of April 7-10: 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Second Meeting of the Tuesday Literature and Lunch Club

The Tuesday Literature and Lunch Club held their second meeting today. We discussed the differences between Katie and Emma's houses. Ask your child which house they would prefer and why!

Happy "April" Birthdays!

First Meeting of "The Thursday Literature and Lunch Club"!

"The Thursday Literature and Lunch Club" held its first meeting on Thursday, April 2. They are reading The Littles by John Peterson. They were to have read pages 7-21 for today's meeting. Ask your child to share what happened with you in this part!

Wednesday Literature and Lunch Club Meeting Number 2

The Wednesday Literature and Lunch Club met on Thursday, April 2 because of our field trip on Wednesday. We discussed our assigned pages and agreed how much we should read before we meet again on Wednesday, April 8. Ask your child if they think Marty was right or wrong to lie to Judd.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

First Meeting of "The Tuesday Literature and Lunch Club"!

The first meeting of "The Tuesday Literature and Lunch Club" took place on Tuesday, March 31. They are reading the book Katie Kazoo Switcheroo: Who's Afraid of 4th Grade? For today's meeting they were to have read pages 1-36. Ask your child to bring their book home so you can read along and discuss it with them!