Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Avoiding the Summer Slide

The summer slide is when students loose part of their learning over the summer because they are not using it! Here are some ways to try to avoid the summer slide:

1. Complete Mrs. S's summer reading challenge. Notes explaining this will go home on 5/21/15.
2. Visit your public library.
3. Participate in the public library's summer reading program.
4. Swap books with a buddy.
5. Read a book and blog about it on Kidblog.
6. Find at least 5 books off the summer reading list and read them!

1. Play Sumdog. Your account should be active over the summer, if not ask your parents to set up a new one:
2. Participate in the Ten Marks summer program:
3. Play math games on Cool Math.
4. One day a week challenge yourself to complete 5 multiplication problems and 5 division problems. Choose ones appropriate for 4th graders.
5. Have your parents sign up for a free Khan Academy account. Challenge yourself to watch 1 video a week reviewing a math skill you know how to do and 1 video a week for a skill you want to learn.